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Marketing Mondays: Marketing Packages

Published Bernice on Monday, August 21, 2023 11:54 AM

Website Mondays Marketing Packages

Marketing in the international education industry is quite vast. It goes from B2B to B2C in no time! You need to be targeting students, then agents, don't forget parents, and what about service providers? Very often we find that schools are targeting one or maximum 2 audiences perfectly, but tend to forget about the others. A holistic marketing strategy should have campaigns that reach all your audiences, even if that means creating different content. This is where we can step in to fill the gap. Here's how and why we can help:

 1. We have been in international education for over 20 years. If this is not enough, we have experience in different sections, from academics to sales and marketing, so we know exactly what the different audiences want.

2. The marketing work we do can be used for any of your channels and target any audience you like. We can create blogs, social media posts, stories, etc all with the audience you want to focus on in mind.

3. If you're looking to eventually employ someone to work full-time on your marketing, that's ok. We can come in for a few weeks or months so you don't leave a gap in your marketing, then we can give a handover to the new recruit. Otherwise, if you want to outsource our services on a more permanent basis, we can accommodate that. We'll have regular meetings, send you updates, discuss with your team and truly become an extension of your business.

4. Last but not least, we know that this work takes time and we want to set you on the right path and help you grow. Therefore, we aren't keeping many clients for these marketing projects. Places are limited, simply because we pride ourselves on quality, not quantity!

So, if you are looking for some (or a lot) of help with your marketing, send us an email on [email protected] or contact us here, and we can start by having a chat!

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